Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Offers available at STD 2019 conference | London, Uk | July 17-18, 2019

STD 2019 aims at bringing all the international experts in the field of STD into discussion about the trending diseases and treatment for it. We do provide discounts for the speakers and delegates. Offers are valid only till the end of February.
Hurry up!!!!!!
Book your slots with waivers at, (or)

Looking forward to meet a huge group of experts at STD 2019!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Chlamydia Diagnosis

Testing and Treatment of Chlamydia

Routine Chlamydia and STD screening is advised for any sexually active individual who is not in a long-term, mutually monogamous relationship where both partners have been tested and do not have an STD. Any change in sexual partner(s) is a reason to request both parties are screened before sexual contact is started.

If an existing partner is diagnosed with an STD, it is imperative that the other partner is notified and tested. Honest communication is another major factor in sexual health. For tips on talking to partners about sex and STD testing, click here a free resource and support. Infected partners should be treated, and both partners should abstain from sex until the infection is completely resolved. This prevents re-infection and passing the infection back and forth. Continual and ongoing infection and re-infection can lead to more serious complications.

Routine Screening is especially important when it comes to chlamydia because it does not always present symptoms. Catching chlamydia symptoms early drastically reduces the risks for further health complications to the reproductive system.

Diagnostic tests for Chlamydia are simple and easily gathered, either by urine sample or vaginal swab. Testing is for chlamydia, and other STD’s is very common in laboratories, today, and test results can be turned around fairly quickly.

Treatment of chlamydia has a high rate of success when correctly taken as prescribed. An antibiotic is prescribed in either a single or 7-day regimen, depending on patient history and health factors. To avoid reinfection, sexual activity should be avoided for a full seven days after the completion of treatment to ensure the infection has been completely eradicated from the system.

If symptoms persist seven days after treatment has been completed, the patient should seek medical follow up immediately as other factors could be present. Proper medication will cure most cases of chlamydia, but if any other damage has occurred due to a prolonged infection, additional medical advice or treatment will be required.

Anyone treated for chlamydia should be retested within three months of initial treatment regardless if they believe that their partners were successfully treated.

To know more about Chlamydia Diagnosis attend the STD 2019 conference at London, UK on July 17-18, 2019.

Friday, February 8, 2019

What's the Difference Between Yeast Infection and Herpes?

What's the Difference Between Yeast Infection and Herpes?

Yeast infection is caused by pathogenic Candida cells that reside in the vagina, while herpes is a sexually transmitted disease caused by herpes simplex virus. In this article, I’ll tell you what are the symptoms of these infections, how you can test for them and how they’re treated. Read on!

What are the Symptoms of Herpes?It’s a viral infection spread by genital or oral sex. The herpes simplex virus may not give any symptoms or mild symptoms, however sometimes herpes infection may produce:
  • small blisters on the genitals that burst and turn into ulcers
  • flu-like symptom
These symptoms usually occur around 4 days after exposure to the virus and may last up to four weeks. This infection is incurable, so you may experience further onsets of genital blisters from time to time, but they should be milder than the first time.

This virus is very common and affects 15% of the population. In order to prevent it, it’s best to abstain from sex completely, use condoms or only have sex with someone who is not infected. Remember that this virus may produce no symptoms, that’s why it’s very important to get tested to know if you or your partner is a herpes carrier.

How to Treat Herpes?

Herpes infection is still incurable but there are medications that can suppress the virus and make the onsets of ulcers less painful. Your doctor may prescribe the following:

Acyclovir: This antiviral drug is sold in capsules, suspension, injection or ointment. It makes ulcers appear less frequently, they become less painful and they heal easier. It also helps to reduce the risk of spreading the infection.

Valacyclovir and Famciclovir: They’re also antiviral drugs, but their effect lasts longer than that of acyclovir. They’re only available in tablets.

What are the Signs of Vaginal Yeast Infection?
Vaginal yeast infection is not a sexually transmitted disease. You may develop it when the pH levels in your vagina are disturbed because of The most common signs of a yeast infection include:

  • Itchy vagina and vulva, which may be reddened and swollen
  • Discharge which may be white and thick but sometimes it’s transparent and watery
  • Discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse and urination
  • Sometimes the skin around the vagina and vulva can crack

Monday, February 4, 2019

Facts that you need to know about HIV

A recent survey of the United States say that the count of hsv infected people are more than 19 million, which means 1 out of 4 American has Herpes. This is not a condition in life that you have to suffer being alone. There are websites for people affected with different types of STDs like AIDS, hepatitis etc, which also include the Herpes people. You are perfectly normal when it comes to getting married, having children and making up a family.
Be a part of STD 2019 to know more on AIDS.

STD 2019 : Categories available

STD 2019 | July 17-18, 2019 | London, UK Several categories are available for the professionals, academic people, industry people  compa...